Insanity & Sanity


Thy wonders what Sanity is ?

Thy wonders what Insanity is ?

For is this the True Struggle of Life

For is this a Meaningful Life

Is working Day & Night to Survive without a moment to Think, Sanity or Insanity ?

A moment in TIME & SPACE

For what is more Sacred than a Moment of one's Time

Can thee Rewind the Clock ?

Can thee Purchase a Second More ?

Can thee Value one's life without Valuing one's time ?

What is a Moment but all those things which give Life Meaning

A moment of Success ?

A moment of Family Warmth ?

A moment of your Childs first seconds of Life ?

A moment of Community ?

A moment of Unity or Rivalry ?

Is Sanity or Insanity a Choice ?

Oh how thy wonders if thy is Sane or Insane

If thy Cares for thy Fellow Humans to be Treated as Humans, thy is told by the System that Profit & Personal Success, No Matter the Cost of Human Dignity & Environmental Cost, thy will find meaning in life ?

Oh thy wonder if such Ideas & Systems are True or Untrue

If thy Destroys & Conquers do thy Truly Gain Anything Meaningful ?

A Hollow Barren World filled with Hopelessness & Violence

For what Use or Meaning does Profit have in such a Realm

Oh thy wonder if Sanity is Believing in Life & Insanity is Believing in Nothing

What does Nature & the Cosmos say :

Plant Seeds and thy will Grow

Growth ?

Is Sanity the Planting of Seeds for the Future of Growth to Expand thy Moments

Is Insanity the Over Harvesting of Limited Moments in our current SPACE & TIME

What does Nature & the Cosmos Say of Sharing :

Unity of Diversity

Can one exist without the other

Have we Forgotten the Teachings of Old ?

Is something Really Wrong with the World ?

Can we Create Alternatives / Growth without Unity of Diversity ?

For can we be Divers without Unity ?

Can one exist without the other ?

The Paradox of Creation

Limited & yet Limitless

Is it a question of Balance ?

Has the Balance been Broken ?

For have we Lost Meaning due to an Overdose of Insanity

Is that why we feel Hopelessness ?

Is that why we seek Entertainment ?

Is that why we seek War ?

For have we Lost Meaning due to an Overdoes of Sanity

Is that why we Tolerate Evil Souls

Is that why we Tolerate Ignorance

Is that why we Tolerate Slavery with a Smile

Have we Lost Balance on a Global Scale ?

How can one Regain Balance ?

How can one Regain Sanity & Insanity ?

What does Nature & the Cosmos say :

Reason & Knowledge

So Knowing the System is Broken is Not Enough

For how can thee FIX or CHANGE something without Understanding it

For Understanding is the First Step to Knowledge & Reason

For can thee Raise a Health Child / Family without Reason & Knowledge

For can thee Build a Home or Nation without Reason & Knowledge

Is Reason & Knowledge, Good or Evil ?

Is it BOTH & left to the Wielder ?

Can one exist without the other ?

Do both Respect the Balance ?

For if Evil Respects the Balance as much as the Good, what does that say about Humanity

For is Humanities Power so GREAT that it can DISCONNECT Completely from the Balance

For is this the True Power of Ignorance & Fools

For is this the FALL of Humanity

Oh thy wonder what the Power Humanity can Attain by CONNECTING with THE ALL

Is this the Power that Constructed the Pyramids of the Ancient World

Golden Ages


So the Eternal Battle of the Cosmos is that of BALANCE within the Cosmos

As Above, So Below

Oh thy wonders what World there will be, were the Truth can be Spoken Publicly without the Fear of being met with a Bullet & Black Bag

Oh thy wonders what World there will be, were the Wealthy have the Interests of the Many at Heart

Oh thy wonders what a World Governed by the Natural Principles of the Cosmos would look like in a Human CONNECTED Society


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