


Minimalism seems to be some New Forked Branch from the Eastern Philosophy of the Dao.

The Art of Letting Go / Flow / Less is More

Maybe Something Old has taken on a New Form / Idea

There are many ways to Express an Idea but none as so clear as the thought that Planted the Seed.

So we are left to Choose Forms of Ideas, Knowing it to be a Lie & Truth. Like a Tiger fearful of the Wild & enjoying our Luxuries Cage.

So lets mix it up Tyler Durden Style / Fight Club Film

Let Go!

Reject the basic assumptions of civilization - especially the importance of material possessions - "Tyler Durden"

The things you own end up owning you. - "Tyler Durden"

Time to stand up for what you believe in. - "Tyler Durden"

Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. - "Tyler Durden"

Hitting bottom isn't a weekend retreat. It's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything, and just let go! LET GO! - "Tyler Durden"

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything. - "Tyler Durden"

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. - "Tyler Durden"

What do you want? Wanna go back to the shit job, fucking condo world, watching sitcoms? Fuck You - I won't do it. - "Tyler Durden"

The Daily Minimalist Game

Evaluate and Examine

Make the bed after getting up = a Domino Effect

Wax On, Wax Off, Wax On, Wax Off

The 5 Types of Minimalism

- Aesthetic

More Space / Less Visual Distractions

The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of beauty that is Imperfect, Impermanent and Incomplete.

- Digital

Us technology to Decrease the Quantity & Increase the Quality of your Backpack

Photo Scanning Party = Joy

- Experientialism

I don't have Time = It's not a Priority 

Learn First Aid = It's good to be Prepared for an Emergency

Volunteer = Sometimes the best way to get out of your head is to help other people.

Visit the Opera = Escape from the News Cycle by immersing yourself in the Drama of an Opera Performance

Go to the Aquarium = It's almost impossible to recreate the Strange Grace and Tranquillity of Aquariums

Play a Board Game = Self - Explanatory

Read a Book = Self Love

Go to the Museums or Galleries = Confusion

- Environmental

Loosening the Chains of the Consumerist God = Power to the People only when replaced with the Good

- Mindful

Has a Meditation aspect in doing the Practice but only done Naturally / Flow.

to Be or Not to Be

No Junk Rule

Declutter / Purge

Don't Guilt Yourself

Keep / Re-Use Box = Sentimentals & Usefuls

Repair / Fix Box = Damaged Usefuls

Sell Box = If you can Why Not & If Not that's alright, that's Letting Go

Donate Box = Anyone & Everyone

Recycle Box = Character

Seasonality Rule

Be like the Seasons Nursing and Valuing what you have now for it will Return to the World

The Ability of a powerful group to reward those who agree with it and punish those who don't also distorts the marketplace of ideas. This isn't about corruption - beliefs naturally shift in accord with interests. As Upton Sinclair said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary  depends on not understanding it." The result can be an entire society twisted to serve the interests of its most powerful group. - Winners Take All / The Elite Charade of Changing the World / Book / Anad Giridharadas


Wabi-Sabi / Nothing lasts. Nothing is finished. Nothing is perfect.

1 in 10 out Rule

Think Before you Buy

Buy Quality, Not Quantity

To treat oneself with Decency Kindness and Love

Just in Case Rule

So when you plan your budget in a Perfect World. one has 3 Piggy Banks but the Just in Case is the 1 Froggy Bank hidden from Self for a Rainy Day, A Buffer

Emergency Items Rule

Your Pirate Treasure

Wait for it rule

Wait 24 hours before any purchase unless Life or Death. the longer the Waiting Period the clearer the choice is to identify as a Want or Need

Don't upgrade Rule

Go without / Repair it / Replace it

You are more than your Feelings, So don't let them Run the Show

Willing to walk Rule

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step - Lao Tzu

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